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Sunday Dreaming, Original Wedding

It’s here, the first Sunday dream of the field. So, Sunday dreams written outside the home / office, those were already here. But this is historically the first Sunday dreaming written out of the field. I’m doing another plan for this year. And to pack a few things and go. On foot. At least one weekend of the month. Get to know new places, new people … personally. Because I’ve learned a lot in the last year, but in most cases it’s more virtual than personal. Nowadays in our lives perhaps we go a little faster, but it is the fact that the virtual option is more and forget about meeting in person, face to face, get eye to eye with respect . This is why this year will be more about personal meetings, coffee sessions, pleasant dinners spent in a circle of loved ones, old and new friends. I’m looking forward to all of you.

Macronka //
Not over perfectly dessert. That would eat and eat our eyes. Be sure to look at other goodies in the link.
Cake //
Decorate your cake with live flowers. This adds to the simple white wedding cake an elegant touch.
Welcome //
Feeling of mutual proximity, safety, being here for one another is irreplaceable. That’s why you show it.
Photo  //
You do not have to go far for such beautiful wedding shots. Several of them will be found with us and this is a great example.
Wedding Gown //
I am so glad that everyday cars are exchanged for those with “soul”. Even on a short trip, but with a good effect.


  1. Veronika Dušková

    25 července

    Dobrý den,
    Vaše stránky jsou úžasné, dýchá z nich příjemná a klidná atmosféra. Bohužel však toto nadšení stírají gramatické a pravopisné chyby. Nenechte, prosím, dobrý dojem kazit takovými zbytečnostmi.
    S díky V.D.

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